COVID 19 crisis has been the biggest challenge to the healthcare industry even to the most advanced countries across the world. Is it going to be the world’s game-changer?

Coronavirus is the world’s most dreaded tragedy that will keep people contained in their homes for a duration that is not certain. The world is already experiencing changes while more are still to come and the ultimate result is still unclear to everyone. It has completely changed the focus of the government as well as its people for the past three months or so. What we all know is that this pandemic will change a lot of things in different industries. Let us have a look at what we expect to see in the future with COVID 19.

Coronavirus on its Way Towards Changing the World Permanently


Benefits from the Epidemic to Some Industries

It is a crisis, yes, but some of the industries will experience a positive impact out of it. People now opt to stay safe indoors and order foodstuffs and other necessities while at home. The movies and gaming industries will rise as people will try to find entertainment activities to kill the boredom at home. Gaming habits will change as the online gaming options increases in popularity.

The use of online tools will be widely embraced as many lives move online. Medicare will allow online billing for telemedicine and medical providers will be using the same tools too. People will now start learning the difference between putting on a suit to work and working from home was just a matter of using an app with permissions from the bosses. Companies will have to go towards the direction of working remotely and holding virtual conferences with their workers.

The pandemic will create stronger family care. There will be no assistance required for the children, the sick and the elderly who are indefinitely at home. People have been forced to make choices that were impossible for the sake of their families.
Classes and doctors’ appointments will move to emails and the world will experience a healthier digital lifestyle generally.

The Rules that will Completely Never Apply

The rules that have been for so long impractical in different industries will become practical and vice versa is also true. The unrealistic demands will end up becoming necessary demands. They include:

• A political uprising in a negative and angrier way. By the time this epidemic comes to an end, we shall see how haves was well taken care of while have nots will have been all destroyed.
• Things that were normal and personal become dangerous. This includes touching things, breathing air in an enclosed place and hanging out with others.

• Individualism reduces in the sense that our relationship with hyper-individualism and market society.

• The general economy will collapse as the millions of workers lose their day to day income which the government cannot guarantee.

• Religion will take another turn; it will lose the meaning of what it means to minister and to have the fellowships that people are used to.

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