Everyone at Avenue Living likes to keep learning — from our peers, from publications, and even from professional organizations. This week we’re sharing some of our favourite sources of information and inspiration, both within the financial industry and beyond. Check out our post, and maybe you’ll find your own favourites — or discover something new.

From the top down, the team at Avenue Living is a group of continuous learners. We learn from each other and from industry leaders, but a lot of us also like to explore other aspects of human nature, including psychology, emotional intelligence, and what it means to be a good leader. Below, you’ll find some of our favourites — and maybe some new favourites of your own.

Dr. Angela Duckworth – Duckworth is a psychology professor at the University of Pennsylvania, science author, and the CEO and founder of the Character Lab, a non-profit that advances scientific insights that help children thrive. Duckworth studies the meaning of passion and persistence, or “grit,” a concept that resonates deeply with our CEO, Anthony Giuffre.

Book: Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance

Twitter: @angeladuckw

TED Talks: Angela Duckworth https://www.ted.com/search?q=angela+duckworth

Simon Sinek – Sinek’s books inspire leaders around the world, and our own leaders at Avenue Living are no exception. He’s on the “must-read” list for many here, for his optimism, his insights, and his conviction that we can build a better world together.

Books: Start With Why, Leaders Eat Last, Better Together

Podcast: A Bit of Optimism https://simonsinek.com/podcast

TED Talks: Simon Sinek https://www.ted.com/speakers/simon_sinek

Twitter: @SimonSinek

Brene Brown – Brown’s books also appeared on several lists. Barya Kabalan, VP of People and Culture, Aleena Lalani, Director of Strategic and Creative Services, and CEO Anthony Giuffre all find inspiration in her words. “The concepts are universal and they can be applied very well to business,” says Anthony. “What you’re really trying to do is understand your behaviour first and then others around you.”

Book: Dare to Lead

Twitter: @BreneBrown

Ray Dalio – The founder of the world’s largest hedge fund, Bridgewater Associates, is hailed as a renowned financial innovator. During his career, he pioneered investment strategies such as risk parity and currency overlay. His bestselling book, Principles: Life and Work resonated with Aleena Lalani, who found inspiration in the notion of “finding your winning statement” and in operating with “radical transparency.”

Book: Principles: Life and Work

Twitter: @raydalio

Dr. Kevin Leman, Bill Pentak – LOGYX CEO James Jung found inspiration in the insights from these co-authors and their focus on effective leadership, including ways to “infuse work with meaning” and “engage and energize your workforce.”

Book: The Way of the Shepherd: 7 Ancient Secrets to Managing Productive People.

The Economist – Our CFO Andrew Searby enjoys digging into this popular publication for a broader perspective on the world of finance. “I like to get a weekly world view of real estate and other industries beyond North America,” he says.

Barack Obama – The former U.S. President’s name popped up on several lists for his insights into leadership and human nature, including his willingness to “not be the smartest person in the room.” Kelly Mahajan, VP of Operations for Avenue Living Communities, enjoys his insights into what makes people tick.

Books: A Promised Land, The Audacity of Hope

Twitter: @BarackObama

(Content supplied by Avenue Living Asset Management Ltd.)