Learning from the pros

Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, Amplify Your Business, produced by Amplomedia in partnership with Troy Media, will interview professional entrepreneurs who are currently in the trenches growing their businesses. Through insightful conversations, we will be unpacking their common business challenges and identifying the lessons every business owner needs to learn so they can accelerate their own business growth.

“We get into the good, the bad, and the ugly when it comes to entrepreneurship,” says Lance Johnson, Amplomedia’s founder and marketing veteran and our host. “And it’s the failures that often lead to the greatest lessons, so be prepared to hear some uncomfortable and very REAL conversations about what is required to create successful businesses.”

Today we’re joined by Tenielle MaGee, the owner and CEO of Leduc Physio, Navisess, Compression Care, and Physio@Home. In our discussion with Tenielle today, she tells us the three things she thinks every entrepreneur should know, blows us away with how she manages to run four businesses and still has time to sleep, talks about opening Physio@Home during the pandemic, and explains how she deals with supply chain issues.

We welcome your comments below.

Today’s Guest

Tenielle MaGee: How to achieve work-life balance while running a business

Tenielle MaGee

Tenielle MaGee is an orthopedic physiotherapist who has been practising for 19 years. She has owned a multidisciplinary clinic in Leduc, Alta with 25 staff since 2008. Her second business, Navisess, provides insurance companies, lawyers, and employers with objective, detailed and unbiased functional capacity evaluations to aid in injury and claim settlement. She founded her two e-commerce businesses during the pandemic. Compression Care is an online medical compression store that provides its clients with complimentary virtual consults. Physio@Home is a brand of physiotherapy and massage tools designed to complement clients with their at-home programs.

For interview requests, click here.

Our Host

Lance Johnson

Lance Johnson

Lance Johnson is the president of Amplomedia, an innovative digital marketing agency specializing in motion graphic video production and digital marketing services. He leverages more than 20 years of experience in marketing and business strategy to help clients identify how best to engage their audience while effectively communicating their messages with clarity and impact.

For interview requests, click here

The opinions expressed by our columnists and contributors are theirs alone and do not inherently or expressly reflect the views of our publication.

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