Anthony Giuffre, founder, CEO and Executive Chairman at Avenue Living Group of Companies, recently spoke to Canadian Apartment Magazine, about the Calgary-based company’s success over the years.

The pandemic has had devastating consequences for many Canadian industries, the rental housing sector being one of them. Faced with higher operating costs, unprecedented vacancies, and prolonged periods of lower monthly income, smaller landlords in particular were heavily tested by COVID, and many continue to claw their way back to profitability. Then there are companies like Calgary-based Avenue Living, a thriving asset management firm that not only survived the onerous conditions of the pandemic, but emerged all the stronger for them. The reason? A sound investment strategy that favours Class B and C assets catering to what it calls “Canada’s stable and tenacious” workforce.

We have built an operating platform that focuses on serving our residents first,” says Anthony Giuffre, Founder, Chief Executive Officer and Executive Chairman at Avenue Living Group of Companies. “For over 16 years we have focused on assets and markets that serve the workforce housing demographic made-up of residents who earn between $15 and $50 an hour.”

Full story can be found here.