Evidently, despite the promising economic situation in Canada, some of its regions are affected by the problem of low income and poverty that form part of those issues that need to be tackled by the authorities in the short-term perspective. In order to see the full picture of how low income affects the population of Calgary and the vicinity in particular, there is a need to investigate the existing statistical data.

It is a fact that Canada is currently known for the flourishing of casino business on its territory. Obviously, this is explained not only by the popularity of this means of entertainment across the local citizens, but also by the distinct poverty level that makes people engage in slot machine business in an attempt to make the ends meet. Calgary and the surrounding area are not an exception from this rule, but there are more pronounced problems faced by the citizens such as low income level, poverty and insufficient means for living. Let’s take a look at what statistics says on this matter.

There are numerous ways of getting under the poverty level and there are just as many different ways of getting out of it. Among the most vulnerable low-income categories of people across the population of Calgary are the senior people, immigrant workers, single-parent families having younger kids as well as people with disabilities. Indigenous groups of population also belong to the category of susceptible citizens who are prone to live under the line of poverty and try hard to make both ends meet. In this respect, there is a need to deal with the root cause of this problem in order to find effective solutions and help people living in the city to enhance their income level.

Despite the fact that the population of Calgary saw a continuous decline in poverty rates in the previous decade, the prevalence of poor families remains very pronounced and is estimated to reach almost 9% in total (info from Statistics Canada)

The recent reports on this matter have detected the primary vulnerabilities, which when coupled with other significant circumstances, might cause the deeply rooted periods of lowered income experienced by the most vulnerable groups of population. The statistical reports demonstrate that one’s education-related achievements as well as proper healthcare-related services and decent levels of social support are likely to decrease the probability of facing the problem of low income. Reasonable prices for housing are also among the topical factors that could influence the current situation in Calgary in a positive manner.

Moreover, females are known to be more likely to experience the instances of low income having much higher frequency than their male counterparts. The level of low income across the single female citizens above the age of 75 years and female single-parent families having children below the age of 5 years is two times higher than that of the male citizens.

There is a great diversity in one’s daily experience even among those categories of population that are faced with low-income circumstances on a day-to-day basis. The regular income after taxation for a single individual living beyond the poverty level is estimated to be around 9,000 dollars. At the same time, when speaking about single-parent families having one child, the estimated income of these groups of people would be equal to only 12,000 dollars, which proves that the most susceptible groups of population are greatly affected by the current situation in Calgary.

As such, the City of Calgary and its power-holding bodies are committed to facilitating the proper environment and shaping the favorable conditions for each and every person living in the district allowing them to take part in the life of the community to full extent regardless of their level of income. The entire Calgary district is committed to this goal and the local policies are aimed at improving the situation and helping the local population to better understand the circumstances which are forcing them to get below the poverty line. Needless to say that poverty and lowered income remain two factors that are highly pronounced for many people living in Calgary and the vicinity. Some of them are struggling against the inadequate rates of income in order to satisfy their immediate needs and cover the basic expenses. Those who live in poverty might include working families, elderly people or younger kids living in the incomplete families. Be that as it may, these categories of people are faced with the need to make difficult choices in their lives. This could lead to compromising on the quality or quantity of food products bought for themselves and their families or undermining the need to lead a healthy lifestyle or receive proper education.

For many citizens of Calgary, all this could result in reduced level of health, decreased possibilities to get engaged in the life of the community or not sufficient opportunities to change the situation for the better and get out of poverty. In the most tragic circumstances, it could even lead to homelessness, lack of employment opportunities or some other drastic consequences that are likely to cause harm to the prosperity of the entire population. In such a way, the efforts of the local authorities need to be directed towards combating the problems of lowered income and poverty. The governmental bodies and social organizations need to take action in order to address the poverty issue in Calgary and make it easier for the local people to deal with their hardships and start living a better life for the sake of making the entire city a better place to live in.

Low Income Stats: Poverty across Calgary RegionThe views, opinions and positions expressed by columnists and contributors are the author’s alone. They do not inherently or expressly reflect the views, opinions and/or positions of our publication.